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project perso

storyboard pro exercise

Mao' Mango Cult

How a mango became an object of worship in 1968 in China

a Ted-ed Talk production

Beaver Care

beaver care

Parody of commercials for emotionally dam-aged people

#1. Facial tissue paper gun (1:08)

Speedy supply for tissue paper 

Cure for uncontrollable public breakdown


Quick overview ( left to right )


composition assemply.tif

#2.mirror companionship (1:01)

Multiple mirrors to be comfortable with your self reflection(s)

Cure for loneliness and fear of abandonment



Quick overview ( left to right )




#3.KARAOKE SHOWER set(00:48)

Karaoke set with shower equipment - personal mobile bathroom concert 

Cure for boredom and self-expression


Quick overview ( left to right )


Les Chaussures de Louis

les chaussures de louis

2020 graduation film of Ecole MOPA

Portrait of an autistic kid. I needed to create compositions with the main purpose to show his point of view and his characteristics


Quick overview ( left to right )


composition assembly

#1 Introducing Louis in every scene by his shoes

1_intro chara.jpg
1_intro chara.jpg
1_intro chara._2jpg.jpg
1. hs shoes to teacher.JPG
1. hs shoes to student.JPG
1. intro_chara_mp.JPG
1. intro_chara_mp.JPG
1. night shoes back.JPG
1. night shoes back_2.JPG

#2 From louis' perspective, interactions happen without looking straight into people's eyes

1. playground_1.JPG
1. playground_1.JPG
1. playground_1.JPG

#3 Immersive environment contrast with little Louis 

The Vigilante

The vigilante

Short film 


Classic superhero story with a twist: what if Sailormoon got old and could still save the world. I needed to create fight scenes and classic Japanese anime troops in the board.

click through the storyboards boards using the left and right arrows


quick overview ( left to right )


The Joy Luck Club

Why you should read Joy Luck club

Commissioned film produced by TEDed Talk Animation


I needed to create a series of vignettes of images to accompany a pre-recorded voice-over piece and reinterpret the script visually

click through the storyboards boards using the left and right arrows



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